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Behaviour Matters Croc Needs to Wait - A book about patience

Behaviour Matters Croc Needs to Wait - A book about patience

  • ISBN: 9781445158679
  • Ocena
  • This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to being patient, and help them understand the importance of waiting their
  • Pełny opis
Wymiary203 x 241 mm
Liczba stron32

This funny, charming story is the perfect way to introduce young children to being patient, and help them understand the importance of waiting their turn. Also included are suggestions for activities and ideas to talk through together to help children fully understand how their behaviour can impact on others. 
Croc can never wait for anything - he's alway interrupting, rushes everything and he can never wait to take his turn. Can he learn to slow down and be a little more patient? 
The Behaviour Matters series of picture books provide a gentle means of discussing emotions, boosting self-esteem and reinforcing good behaviour. Supports the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Area of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and is also suitable for use with children in KS1 and can be used to discuss values. Suitable for children under 5.

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