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The Art Treasure Hunt: I Spy with My Little Eye

The Art Treasure Hunt: I Spy with My Little Eye

  • ISBN: 978-3-7913-7097-2
  • Ocena
  • Introducing young readers to great art is as easy as A, B, see! Young children love a good game of “I Spy with My Little Eye.” In this
  • Pełny opis

Introducing young readers to great art is as easy as A, B, see!

Young children love a good game of “I Spy with My Little Eye.” In this beautifully designed book they are playfully challenged to find details “hidden” in some of the world’s greatest paintings. On each double-page spread, a large reproduction of a masterpiece such as Kandinsky’s Heavenly Blue, Seurat’s A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, Rousseau’s The Dream or Breugel’s Children’s Games is paired with a list of items to search for: a dog, an umbrella, or a ball, for instance. A brief age-appropriate text makes connections between the art and the child’s own environment. The pictures expose children to an endless array of artistic styles, periods, and cultures. Although the appendix contains solutions to the challenges, every child knows that the fun is in the hunt. Filled with hours of joyful discovery, this art book sets the stage for greater artistic appreciation as children grow older.

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